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Three Card Personalized Tarot Reading


Image of Three Card Personalized Tarot Reading

I am offering a personalized three card tarot reading. The reading will focus on a particular aspect of your life, or it can be a general reading. It's up to you. The reading does not claim to 'predict' anything about one's future, nor do I make any claims to have access to a mystical truth about your life. It is intended as a psychological tool to help you understand something about your situation by thinking differently via the use of tarot cards. See my website, NonmysticTarot.com for more details.

Once you've placed your order, I will email you to get some basic information to help me with my reading. In most cases, I will have the reading to you in under 3 days, but keep in mind I travel frequently, and am sometimes without access to internet for a few days.